Don’t Panic! Easy Hacks to Tackle Hair Fall During Monsoon

Hair Fall During Monsoon
Hair loss—something most of us are scared of. Whether you are seeing more strands down the shower drain or bald patches creeping in, it can be a real confidence zapper. But before you hit that panic button, just take a deep breath! There are so many things you can do to fight back against hair fall and get your healthy, luscious locks back. This article outlines the reasons that lie behind the problem of hair loss, especially during monsoon, and how to stop it. There’ll be a look at some easy hacks, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes that will easily fit into your routine. We shall also answer some of the burning questions, such as “How to stop hair loss?”, “What to take for hair loss?”, and “Best natural hair growth products.”

Reason for more hair fall during monsoon 

The monsoon season can definitely be a downer in terms of your hair, leading to increased hair fall. Here’s why:
  1. Humidity Overload: Monsoons bring an increased rise in humidity, which is like a magnet to moisture in your hair. This could make your hair swell up and weaken the hair shaft, making it more prone to breakage and falling out.
  2. Scalp Blues: Excessive humidity can offset the normal balance of your scalp, too. It could become dry and flaky or a perfect site for fungus to flourish in the excess moisture. Both conditions can lead to hair loss.
  3. Rain Woes: Though the rainwater may appear soft, it can be acidic or polluted, especially in metros. This again can inflame the scalp and affect the hair follicles, resulting in excessive shedding.
  4. Goodbye, Volume: Ongoing dampness drags down the hair, rendering it limp and lifeless. This, coupled with increased hair fall, can make your hair appear thinner.

Why Does Hair Fall Happen Anyway?

There are many reasons for hair loss. The following are some common causes:
  1. Stress: Feeling too stressed out? Well, your chronic stress can take a heavy toll on your hair, leading to increased shedding.
  2. Diet: Failure to achieve a balanced diet with fewer intakes of nutrients, especially protein and iron, may weaken your hair and make it easy to fall out.
  3. Hormonal Changes: Events like pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and even thyroid problems are some of the things that alter the hormonal balance in the human organism and affect conductive hair growth rates.
  4. Genetics: Unfortunately, some of us are more predisposed to losing our tresses than others due to genetics. Blame Mom and Dad!
  5. Hair Care Habits: Overwashing, harsh chemical usage, tight hairdos—these damage hair follicles and cause breakage.
  6. Medical Conditions: Certain systemic diseases and medications can also cause hair loss as a side effect.

Let’s Fight Back: Easy Hacks and Natural Remedies

Now that we know where the enemy is coming from, let’s get down to business! Here are some easy hacks and natural remedies you can try at home to combat hair fall:
  1. Scalp Massage: This is an age-old remedy. Massaging the scalp helps to promote blood flow to the scalp area, which will, in turn, promote hair growth. Massage your scalp with your fingertips gently for some minutes daily.
  2. Go Natural: Give up those strong chemical-based shampoos and conditioners. Switch over to hair care products that nourish the scalp and strengthen hair made from ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, or amla.
  3. Protein Power: Include in your diet enough protein that will help in hair growth. Good sources include lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes.
  4. Hydration Hero: You can’t go wrong with hydration! Keep your scalp healthy with lots of water intake throughout the day.
  5. Gentle Touch: Easy does it! Avoid tight hairdos—like braids or ponytails—that pull at your hair, which can potentially lead to breakage.
  6. Trim Time: Split ends can travel up the hair shaft and damage healthy hair. Regular trims—at a frequency of every 6-8 weeks—can help cut off split ends and promote healthy growing hair.

Beneficial Hair Treatments at Home

Here are some powerful hair treatments that can easily be prepared in your kitchen:
  • The Egg Mask: Rich in protein, a great amount of vitamins, and highly packed with minerals, eggs treat your scalp and strengthen your hair, making it grow. Whisk together one egg white, a tablespoon of olive oil, and honey in a bowl. Massage the creamy mixture through your hair from the roots all the way to the end. Keep it on for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with a light shampoo.
  • Amla Powder: Also known as the Indian Gooseberry, amla is another fantastic natural remedy for hair loss. It contains a good amount of vitamin C, which is good for the proper growth of hair. Take amla powder and mix it with lime juice to form a paste. Massage it into your scalp and hair, then wash off using cool water after 30 minutes with a shower cap covering it.
  • Onion Magic: Onion juice may smell a little, but it has some surprising hair benefits. Onions have antibacterial properties which help to avoid scalp infections and a great measure of sulfur, which increases blood flow to the scalp, thus promoting hair development. Squeeze out the juice from this pureed onion and apply it to your scalp with the help of a cotton ball. Leave for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash well with warm water.

Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Hair

You’ve got to take care of your body if you want healthy hair. Here are some lifestyle changes you can make:
  • Stress Less: You need to find some healthy ways to manage stress—like yoga, meditation, or spending time outdoors.
  • Catch Some Zzz’s: Getting enough sleep—7-8 hours a night—is important for overall health, and hair growth.
  • Say No to Smoking: Smoking is also known to inhibit blood flow to the scalp, thereby hampering the growth of hair.

Hair Fall Treatment: When to See a Doctor

If you have been trying these easy hacks and home remedies for a few weeks now and still aren’t noticing any growth, then it’s time to visit the doctor or dermatologist. They will help you diagnose the underlying cause of hair loss and recommend more targeted treatments.

How about Hair Fall Treatments and Products?

Today, there are a myriad of treatment options and products for hair loss. These range from over-the-counter minoxidil to prescription finasteride in men. But do not use any medications without consulting your doctor first to make sure the drug is safe and right for you. Remember that there is no magic bullet behind hair loss. Assuredly, some of these easy hacks blending into natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle are definitely going to help in slowing down hair fall and encouraging healthy growth. Most importantly, be patient and consistent with your efforts. It takes time for hair to grow, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results overnight. Celebrate small victories and enjoy the journey to healthier, happier hair!


Hair loss is one thing, but ruling your life—no way! Being aware of the causes and acting accordingly can help you fight back and regain your crowning glory. Mix some easy hacks, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes, maybe with a few doctor-approved treatments, and you will have the luscious locks that you deserve. Take a deep breath, relax, and get ready to show off that mane of yours with panache!  

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