Home Remedies for Tonsillitis: 9 Easy Ways to Soothe Your Throat

Home Remedies for Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can be a real pain in the neck – literally. Those swollen tonsils can make swallowing feel like a daunting task, leaving you feeling miserable and uncomfortable. While medical treatment is always an option, there are also several home remedies that can help down the symptoms and provide relief. 

Here are 9 easy ways to soothe your throat and ease the discomfort of tonsillitis:

Gargle with Salt Water

 One of the oldest and most effective home remedies for tonsillitis is gargling with warm salt water. The salt helps to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria, while the warm water provides soothing relief for your sore throat. Simply mix a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water, gargle for about 30 seconds, and spit it out. Repeat several times a day for best results.

Drink Warm Liquids

Sipping on warm liquids like herbal tea, broth, or warm water with honey can help soothe your throat and provide much-needed hydration. The warmth can also help to loosen mucus and ease congestion, making it easier to swallow.

Use a Humidifier

Dry air can aggravate a sore throat and make it feel even worse. Using a humidifier in your bedroom can help add moisture to the air and prevent your throat from drying out overnight. This can help reduce discomfort and promote faster healing.

Honey and Lemon

The combination of honey and lemon is not only delicious but also incredibly soothing for a sore throat. Honey has natural antibacterial properties, while lemon provides vitamin C and antioxidants to help boost your immune system. Mix a tablespoon of honey with the juice of half a lemon in a cup of warm water and drink it several times a day for relief.

Rest Your Voice

Talking or shouting can exacerbate the pain of tonsillitis and prolong your recovery time. Try to rest your voice as much as possible by avoiding unnecessary talking and whispering. Communicate with gestures or writing instead, and give your vocal cords a chance to heal.

Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam can help moisten and soothe your throat, as well as relieve congestion. You can simply lean over a bowl of hot water and cover your head with a towel to trap the steam, or use a steam inhaler for more targeted relief. Adding a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint can also enhance the soothing effects.

Saltwater Gargle with Apple Cider Vinegar

 Apple cider vinegar is known for its antimicrobial properties, making it a popular natural remedy for tonsillitis. Combine a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and use it as a gargle several times a day to help kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Eat Soft Foods

Avoiding rough or scratchy foods that can irritate your throat is important when you have tonsillitis. Stick to soft, easy-to-swallow foods like soups, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies until your throat feels better. Cold foods like ice cream or popsicles can also help numb the pain and provide relief.

Herbal Remedies

Several herbs have been traditionally used to treat sore throats and tonsillitis. Marshmallow root, licorice root, and slippery elm are all known for their soothing properties and can be taken as teas or supplements to help alleviate symptoms. Peppermint tea can also help numb the throat and reduce discomfort.


While tonsillitis can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, there are several simple home remedies that can help ease the pain and promote faster healing. From gargling with salt water to drinking warm liquids and using herbal remedies, these natural treatments can provide relief without the need for medication. However, if your symptoms persist or worsen, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Remember to rest, stay hydrated, and take care of yourself while you recover from tonsillitis.


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