How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes Inside The House Naturally?

how to keep away mosquitoes

Summer brings sunshine, barbecues, and…mosquitoes. These pesky insects can turn a relaxing evening into an itchy nightmare. But fear not, we are here to help you in knowing about how to keep away mosquitoes and kill mosquito larvae

This article equips you with a battle plan to keep these buzzing bloodsuckers at bay and let you know in detail how to get rid of mosquitoes inside the house naturally.

How Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Mosquitoes are tiny vampires, but their bite is more complex than just a puncture. Here’s the science behind the itch:

  • Mosquito Proboscis: This long, straw-like mouthpart pierces your skin.
  • Saliva Injection: Mosquitoes inject saliva containing anticoagulants (to prevent blood clotting) and vasodilators (to widen blood vessels for easier access).
  • Immune Response: Your body reacts to the foreign substances in the saliva, triggering inflammation and itching.

Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?

The itch is your body’s defense mechanism. Here’s what happens:

Histamine Release: The immune system releases histamine, a chemical that causes swelling and redness around the bite.

Itch Signal: Histamine binds to receptors on nerve cells, sending an “itch” signal to your brain.

Scratch Attack: The urge to scratch arises as an attempt to relieve the irritation.

How To Keep Away Mosquitoes (Naturally):

While prevention outdoors is key, a few unwelcome mosquitoes might sneak inside. Here’s how to create a natural, indoor-safe zone:

Apple Cider Vinegar Trap:

  • Fill a bowl with apple cider vinegar (ACV) and a few drops of dish soap.
  • The sweet smell attracts mosquitoes, and the soap disrupts their surface tension, causing them to drown.

Lemon & Clove Repellent:

  • Cut a lemon in half and stud it with cloves.
  • The citrusy scent and clove oil repel mosquitoes.
  • Replace every few days for freshness.

Essential Oil Diffuser:

  • Use a diffuser with citronella, lemongrass, or lavender essential oil.
  • These natural repellents create a mosquito-unfriendly atmosphere.

How To Keep Away Mosquitoes (Outdoors):

Now, let’s arm ourselves for outdoor battles:

Repellent is Your Friend

  • Choose an EPA-registered repellent containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), or IR3535.
  • Apply according to instructions, paying attention to reapplication times.
  • Consider using a permethrin spray on clothing and gear (not directly on skin).

Dress Strategically

  • Wear long, loose-fitting clothing made of tightly woven fabrics. 
  • Opt for light, breathable colors like white or khaki, as mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.

Eliminate Breeding Grounds

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Here’s your mission:

  • Empty and clean birdbaths, kiddie pools, and any containers holding water for more than a few days.
  • Ensure gutters are clear and downspouts drain properly.
  • Check for potential breeding sites under tarps, planters, and clogged drains.

Killing Mosquito Larvae:

Preventing breeding is crucial. Here are some ways to attack or kill mosquito larvae:

  • Mosquito Dunks: These donut-shaped devices contain Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), a bacteria that kills mosquito larvae but is harmless to humans, fish, and pets. Place dunks in ponds, pools, or any water source where you suspect mosquito breeding.
  • Goldfish Power: Goldfish are natural predators of mosquito larvae. Consider adding them to decorative ponds (with proper care, of course).

Natural Repellent Plants:

Nature offers some beautiful solutions:

  • Citronella: This fragrant plant is a well-known mosquito repellent. Plant it around patios or porches.
  • Lavender: This versatile herb not only smells delightful but also repels mosquitoes. Consider planting lavender or using lavender essential oil in a diffuser.
  • Lemongrass: This herb is another natural mosquito repellent. Grow it in a pot or use lemongrass essential oil in a diffuser.

Additional Tips:

  • Schedule Outdoor Activities Wisely: Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk. Plan outdoor activities for mid-day when mosquito activity is lower.
  • Create a Breeze: Use fans or a wind chime to create a gentle breeze. Mosquitoes have difficulty flying in windy conditions.
  • Limit Sweet Scents: Avoid wearing perfumes or lotions with strong floral scents, which can attract mosquitoes.

Living With Bites? Here’s Some Relief:

While prevention is ideal, sometimes those pesky mosquitoes get the upper hand. 

Here are some tips to soothe the itch and speed up healing:

  • Resist the Scratch: Scratching can worsen irritation and increase the risk of infection. Try applying a cold compress or calamine lotion to reduce inflammation and itching.
  • Baking Soda Paste: Mix baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply it to the bite to neutralize the alkalinity of the mosquito saliva and reduce itching.
  • Aloe Vera: This natural remedy possesses anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. Apply fresh aloe vera gel to the bite for relief.

Beyond the Backyard: Community Efforts

Mosquito control requires a community effort. Consider these actions:

  • Advocate for Mosquito Control Programs: Support local mosquito control initiatives like spraying or larvicide application.
  • Spread Awareness: Share these tips with friends and neighbors to create a mosquito-free zone in your community.
  • Report Standing Water: If you see neglected swimming pools, clogged gutters, or any potential breeding grounds, report them to the relevant authorities to prevent mosquito populations from escalating.

By combining individual prevention strategies with community-wide efforts, we can significantly reduce mosquito populations and reclaim our right to enjoy the great outdoors, bite-free, all summer long.

Remember: Consistency is key. By implementing these strategies, you can create a summer haven free from mosquito bites.

Piyush Singh

Piyush Singh, the founder of The Digital Today (TDT), has launched this new platform to spread the latest information and trends in technology, travel, entertainment, and lifestyle.